
ViBrANT2021: Scientists want to stop viral and bacterial infections

Find new solutions to fight viral and bacterial infections. This was the main challenge of ViBrANT2021 conference, an initiative organize...

An innovative and intelligent ceramic tile is coming

The REVIPOLISHED Project, developed by CeNTI and the company Rev...

National press made known WireLOX

WireLOX, a Project by CeNTI and Linde Portugal, a company operat...

Horizon Europe: CeNTI active in new Innovation and Technology Projects

Given the opening of a new community framework that privileges Innovation and Technology, CeNTI is actively involved in the preparation of new Projects to respond to different industrial-technological challenges. In clos...

Portuguese press highlights smart tag for Logistics sector

Several media have made Vi-TAG known, a Project by CeNTI and Viatel, a leading Portugue...
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