
CeNTI offers visors to an institution of Vila Nova de Famalicão

The Parish Social Center of Requião, in Vila Nova de Famalicão (Portugal), received around fifty visors, that will be used to protect users and professionals on the retirement home, nursing home, daycare, a...

CeNTI offers more than a dozen visors to Famalicão school

The Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials donated more than a dozen visors to the Centro Escolar de Antas, in Vila Nova de Famalicão (Portugal).&...

Portuguese Press highlights CeNTI innovation against Covid-19

Several media reported what is one of the most recent CeNTI Projects against the current Covid-19 pandemic. The Centre, in partnership with the company

CeNTI in the fight against Covid-19

The Centre has offered face protector shields to Hospital de Braga (Portugal). This personal protection equipment was developed and produced internally....

DOSEA: Smart solution for drug therapy

CeNTI, in cooperation with two Portuguese companies Neutroplast and BeyonDevices, is developing smart tags for monitoring medication. Incorporated in the...
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