

Advanced Nanotechnology for Sustainable and Digital Industry CeNTI 2030 

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The ADVANCE NANO project aims to expand CeNTI’s technological offer to companies through the installation of a set of disruptive technologies that will contribute to responding to a series of critical factors and market failures, and thus increase the effective capacity to address the challenges of industrial economic-productive ecosystem, contributing to the entry of business partners into new markets with high added value. 

Main Goals

The project intends to develop CeNTI’s infrastructure, providing it with new scientific and technological capabilities, to carry out pre-competitive research and update of technological means for the continuation of R&D activities with industry and entities of R&I system. 

To this end, 3 strategic lines will be developed: 

  1. R&D and Pilot Line in Eco-sustainable Materials (treatment of waste and by-products and synthesis of nanocomposites and functional polymers); 
  2. R&D and Pilot Line in Printed Intelligence Microfabrication (development of printed intelligence and devices by microfabrication to create materials and objects with integrated intelligence); 
  3. R&D and Pilot Lines in Functional and Smart Materials (conformation of composite materials, new processes and prototyping of integrated solutions). 

Project number: NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000062 

Approval date: 15 April 2021

Project duration: May 2021 to July 2023

Total eligible cost: 2 351 797.44€ 

Financial support EU: ERDF – 1 999 027.82€ 

Project type: Infraestruturas Tecnológicas (IT) da Região Norte – Centros de Interface 

Intervention region: North of Portugal


  • Adaptation of the infrastructure, in terms of scientific laboratories and workspace for researchers; 
  • Installation of new equipment and pilot lines related with advanced materials: functional, smart, and eco-sustainable. 

Related Items

Dissemination Material: see here

Dissemination Poster: see here

Dissemination Flyer: see here

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